Services We Offer

Turning Point Life University extends mentoring services to residents of nearby apartment complexes. Our aim is to empower families to thrive collectively and excel in their daily tasks. Moreover, we provide mentorship training to members of local churches, enabling them to mentor others within their congregation. This program is bolstered by resources from external partners.

There is a place for you!

  • Life-skills classes
  • 1-1 mentoring 
  • Group mentoring
  • Childcare provisions during life skill classes
  • GED or high school equivalency courses
  • Higher Education Courses
  • ESL or ELL classes

Become A Part of the family

Turning Point Community of Scholars is where Christianity & Education Meet

When you visit Turing Point You will immediately notice the energetic worship service! We believe that we were created to give God the praise and the glory. We have witnessed on numerous occasions that. “If you do it the Bible way, you get the Bible results.”

Turning Point is located in the heart of Lawrence township in Indianapolis, Indiana. The community that surrounds the church is our focus.

There is something for everyone! Form Youth to senior programs, there is a place for you and your family. So join us!

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Turning Point Community of Scholars is a Faith-based organization that puts Christ first while serving the needs of the Community.  We strive to follow God and Christian values while changing the landscape of poverty in the community surrounding the property.  Turning Point Community of Scholars provides one-on-one and group mentoring within the community. 

Turning Point Community of Scholars has formed a partnership with Marian University to offer 14 week certification training onsite (Logistics, Constructions, IT (MOS).  Students, ages 18 years old – adults can received their certifications credentials as well as their high school equivalency diploma, if applicable. Certification classes may periodically change for additional information.

  1. Call (317) 898-4420. Leave your contact information so someone from our team can reach you.
  2. Submit your information below and someone will contact you.
Contact Us

Turning Point Community of Scholars mentoring program ensures that mentees are mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually able to function and excel throughout the program. 

Classes vary based on participation and location. If you want to stay involved in the upcoming classes frequently visit our site or join our mailing list.

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Turning Point Life University is a component of Turning Point Community of Scholars that equips single parents with the life skills necessary to obtain better employment, education, and living conditions through short classroom-style sessions hosted at apartment community center on the east side of Indianapolis.

The purpose of Turning Point Life University is to teach, train and transform families to function as a unit while doing individual tasks and activities of daily living.  This program also includes resources from external partners.

Turning Point Community of Scholars can partner with area Community Centers nearby call 317-898-4420 to sign up.

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